Natalie Thomas
I'm so honored and excited to be able to include my incredibly talented mentor, former boss, and, most importantly, my friend Natalie Thomas from @NatsNextAdventure in today’s #PaideiaInspires. Natalie is a writer and blogger and contributor for @TodayShow, @HuffPost, @TheBump, @TheEveryMom and @Parents and she consults for brands, big and small, as well as other bloggers. She’s an Emmy-nominated TV producer and former editor and spokesperson of @UsWeekly. She lives in the New York area with her tolerant husband Zach and crazy kids, Lilly (5) and Oliver (18 months).
We got to chat with Natalie about building an online community that goes further than some likes on a post and instead feels like a circle of friends. Natalie gave us some great insight on letting go of the fear around building your perfect professional social presence and that in your willingness to be vulnerable you’ll find your authentic voice that helps you succeed in this digital world. Natalie says, “Be yourself. Forget about flat lays and fashion, about what everyone else is doing and who you think you should be. Show them your true self. Share your story and your shortcomings, open up, go deep. Authenticity translates and will set you apart.”